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Darrell G. Kirch, From Marcus Welby to Grey’s Anatomy: The Next Generation – Medscape – Oct 19, 2007.
- One in 3 US doctors is going to retire
- Doctors will have to treat 71 million baby boomers
How will the new generation of doctors view the practice of medicine?
More & more women are studying to become doctors
A recent survey of US physicians under age 50, conducted by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and the American Medical Association
- Young doctors of both genders view "quality of life" as essential, and are willing to risk career advancement to get it
- Seventy-one percent of those polled identify family and personal time as a very important factor in a desirable practice
- Two out of 3 young physicians say they are not interested in working longer hours for more money
- Two out of 3 young physicians say they are not interested in working longer hours for more money
- An additional 32% would prefer part-time hours
- Job sharing, part-time work, and flexible schedules must become more commonplace for doctors in the years to come
- Information technology, particularly electronic medical records and emails between physicians and patients, will need to be expanded in order to maintain continuity of care
- Medical education will need to focus on interdisciplinary training with nurses, pharmacists, and other health professions, as well as a more team-based approach to patient care
This generation of physicians shows that a work-life balance is possible for doctors. They provide an excellent opportunity for constructive change in how medicine is practised
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Félicie Pastore ELLIPSES 2013 ISBN 9782729882457