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Darrell G. Kirch, Who Says Medical Education Hasn’t Changed? – Medscape – Sep 17, 2007.
The 100th anniversary of the Flexner report in 2010
He thinks medical education has changed a lot, even since he was a medical student 30 years ago
- They learn interactively in small groups instead of packed lecture halls
- They spend over 30% of their clinical clerkship time in ambulatory care settings such as doctor's offices, clinics, and nursing homes
- They practice patient exams using standardized patients, computerized mannequins, and virtual patients
- They practise patient exams using standardized patients, computerized mannequins, and virtual patients
They more closely align training with the needs of patients
- Demonstrate competence in 6 areas essential to good medical practice
- Train as part of interdisciplinary teams
- Learn how to treat the chronic diseases prevalent among aging Americans
- Participate in efforts to improve the delivery of care, making it safe and ensuring its high quality
- Use information technology, such as computerized medical records, to improve communication and patient care
- How to make medical education a tightly linked "continuum" for each individual physician rather than isolated compartments of pre-med, medical school, residency, and continuing education
- The skills and characteristics all doctors need for safe, competent, compassionate medical practice
- How to make it easy for busy doctors to continue improving their medical practice
To serve the ever-changing needs of patients
Extrait de Hear That? Compréhension de l’oral et prise de notes : cours, conférences, congrès
Félicie Pastore ELLIPSES 2013 ISBN 9782729882457