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Harvey V. Fineberg, MD, Healthy Foods for Healthy Kids – Medscape – Oct 26, 2007.
More than one third
The fact that the number of vending machines, snack bars, and other food options has increased strikingly in recent years
Foods that are high in fat and sugar
We should improve the nutritional value of children's meals and snacks
To limit food options that are not part of the school's healthy breakfast and lunch programs
That they follow a high nutrition standard
- Establish healthy eating habits in children by offering fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy dairy products.
- Snacks, foods, and beverages available to students should have limited calories from fats or sugars
- Choose lowfat and nonfat milk and 100% juice rather than beverages with nonnutritive sweeteners, like sugar substitutes
- Plain, unflavored water should be more readily available than carbonated or fortified waters.
- After-school and fundraising activities should apply these nutritional standards, rather than relying on candy; other high-sugar foods; and carbonated, caffeinated beverages.
- meet nutrition standards
- lose weight
- encourage better eating habits
- lead healthier lives
Speak out in your local school district about changing their food options today
Extrait de Hear That? Compréhension de l’oral et prise de notes : cours, conférences, congrès
Félicie Pastore ELLIPSES 2013 ISBN 9782729882457