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Michael Dansinger, Beating Obesity Is Not Mission Impossible – Medscape – Oct 01, 2007.
That these rates are rising out of control as never before in human history
He thinks we can reverse the trend
He gives 4 reasons
1-a We can & should recognize & applaud those who give a good example, we should praise them as models to emulate
1-b They make healthy lifestyle choices most of the time
1-c They would be much fatter if they were not making that effort
2-a There’s plenty of opportunity of having healthy delicious food
2-b Our ancestors would be astonished to see the variety of excellent fruits & vegetables available year round at our markets
2-c Recipes representing all tastes from every culture are readily accessible
2-d Healthy prepared foods are becoming more easily obtainable & affordable
3-a Previous long-term weight loss results have been disappointing
3-b but health professionals can now design more effective systems to help individuals maintain lost weight
3-c A system designed to establish affordable lifestyle coaching is one possible example
4-a The “will of the people” is an important factor
4-b Government power can be used to offset the factors that promote obesity
4-c For example limitation on advertising of unhealthy food
4-d Another example is to strengthen lifestyle teaching in schools
4-e A third one is to create stronger financial incentives to adhere to lifestyle recommendations
4-f Because the more eager we, the people, are to fight the obesogenic environment, the more responsive & effective our governments will be
Beating obesity is a difficult mission but it is not impossible
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Félicie Pastore ELLIPSES 2013 ISBN 9782729882457