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Paul Zimmet, Diabesity — The Biggest Epidemic in Human History – Medscape – Aug 20, 2007.
It is an acronym for Diabetes and Obesity
Will be as devastating in the 21st century as HIV/AIDS was in the 20th
Number of people with diabetes has more than doubled globally
Today: 246 million / By 2025: 380 million
Most governments have been slow to act
- humanitarian,
- social,
- economic consequences
The United Nations General Assembly unanimously passed a resolution declaring diabetes an international public health issue
- chronic disease
- complications
- premature illness
- premature death
- a lot of diabetic patients are in the workforce, -> impact on national productivity
- socioeconomic consequences of diabetes are likely to bankrupt the economies of many developing nations
- devastating impact on the economies of developed nations, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia
It is going to be one of the most important challenges for the global public health community in the 21st century. -> It is a battle that we can and must win.