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David L. Rosenbloom, How Much Is Too Much? – Medscape – Nov 17, 2007.
No, only about one third (1/3) of them do (33%)
“How often in the past year have you had more than 4 drinks on a single occasion (more than 3 drinks for women)?"
- Two standard drinks a day or a total of 14 a week for adult males with no alcohol history or contraindications
- One a day or 7 a week for similar adult females
- If they are pregnant they should not drink at all
Unhealthful consequences are likely to occur
Binge drinking (=drinking alcoholic beverages with the primary intention of becoming intoxicated by heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time).
- exacerbate,
- hide,
- trigger other medical conditions
- interfere with some medications
- contribute to serious injuries
About 5% to 7% of the time
Referral to a specialist for further evaluation and treatment, because because treatment for alcohol disorders is efficacious
Two thirds of patients who receive appropriate behavioral and/or pharmacologic treatment have reduced consequences from alcohol
Insurers are starting to recognize its value and reimburse doctors for the time it takes
Yes, there are techniques of alcohol screening and brief intervention that can be learnt
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