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Michael Dansinger, Ban Trans Fats in 2007 – Medscape – Dec 18, 2006
- Synthetic ingredient, partially hydrogenated vegetable fat
- Primarily used in fast food & other commercially manufactured fried and baked foods
- promote disease
- inflame the arteries and accelerate heart disease
- 5 g per day
- increases the risk for heart disease by approximately 25%
- kids meal at McDonald's can have up to twice this amount of trans fat
- A wise society would eradicate this harmful ingredient from the food supply by banning it
- Denmark banned these commercial fats in 2004
- No adverse effect on taste or price of affected food, including fast food and even their famous Danish pastries.
- Yes, we don’t need them as we can replace them
- Healthy alternatives currently exists to satisfactorily replace partially hydrogenated fat (Trans Fats)
Approximately 10 years
would be expected to reduce the heart disease rate by 10% to 20%
- we, the public, have failed to sufficiently demand their prompt removal
- medical leadership has not been aggressive enough in advocating for the public
- political leadership has been too submissive to food industry calls for gradual change
- food industry dictates the pace of change and decides for us how to handle this enormous public health concern
- it’s the same problem as allowing the cigarette industry to decide smoking policy.
- advocate for our children and ourselves by taking control of this public health problem
- find the moral courage to do the right thing and demand a ban on artificial trans fats without delay
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