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Hampton Roy, The Functioning Brains of Us Physicians Should Be « Guidance Systems, » Not « Books of Knowledge » – Medscape – Dec 09, 2006.
- Dr. Lawrence Weed
- 1968
- Because medical information was already expanding exponentially as it continues to today
- to be able to reach an accurate, complete differential diagnosis
- for specific diseases
- doesn’t need information about lab tests, medications, or dosages
- needs a reliable ready source of information to consult
- needs to provide a guidance system & so provide the patient with excellent quality of care
- What was needed was specific information i.e being a "book of knowledge"
- Feels it was not relevant
- Would be better to test the thought-planning process = "guidance system
- Your answer, depending on the country you live in + the situation in the US (browse the internet to find the information!)
- Easy access to medical information by patients on the internet (diagnostic tests, disease manifestations, medications, nutritional supplements, and alternative treatments.
- Doctor is at times assisted by patient
- Doctor & patient are now “partners”
- Patients need their physician’s guidance system
- They alreadyhave their own “book of knowledge” via the internet
- better sources of information for the patient and the doctor
- better understanding of disease processes
- medical care will continue to improve mostly as physicians’ guidance systems improve
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