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Harvey V. Fineberg, We Can Do More to Avoid Medication Errors – Medscape – Nov 10, 2006.
At least one and a half million
- at home
- in nursing homes
- in hospitals
- can be life threatening
- cost a lot of money
- in hospitals alone: at least $3.5 billion of needless medical costs
- lost wages and productivity from illness caused by medication errors
- Americans take a huge number of medications
- during the next week, 4 out of 5 US adults will use prescription medicines, over-the-counter drugs, or dietary supplements
- nearly one third of adults take or more different medications
- getting the right drug
- in the right dose
- delivered by the right route
- to the right patient
- at the right time
- every time
- By: Institute of Medicine
- Title: Preventing Medication Errors
- First: Food and Drug Administration should work with manufacturers and consumer groups to redesign medication package inserts to ensure that they are simple to read, understandable, and useful to consumers Drug names should be standardized and pills shaped, so that 2 medicines with very different purposes neither sound alike nor look alike
- Second: by 2010, all doctors and pharmacies should rely on electronic prescribing systems that reduce transcription errors and can automatically detect potential cross-reactions from different medicines in the same patient
- Finally: consumers should be active partners in their medication care. You and your family have a right to know the medicine and dosage you are taking and why you are taking it. Your life may depend on getting your medicine right
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