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Emergency Medicine Department at Mayo Clinic Hospital
Jeremy Daven - Attending physician
Emily Eastwich - Second year resident
Edna Zlock
- 5-day history of increasing shortness of breath → limiting daily activities
- Mild, non-productive cough
- No fever, chills, chest pain, or palpitations
- Shortness of breath for 1 year, gradually progressive
- No sick contacts
- No recent travel
- Asthma
- Hypertension
- Several episodes of presumed bronchitis or pneumonia in the past year → ATB by primary care provider
- Heavy menstrual periods
- OCPs
- Family history: DM + ischemic heart disease
- Non-adherent ACE inhibitor, inhaled corticosteroid, beta-2 agonist
- Quit smoking 10 years before (20-pack-year history)
- No alcohol or illicit drug use
- No known allergies
- No acute distress
- Morbidly obese
- BMI of 45
- BP 170/95
- HR 106
- Respiratory rate18
- Temperature 98.6°F
- O2 sats 97% while breathing ambient air
- Chest examination: fine crackles at the lung bases + decreased vocal fremitus
- Normal first and second heart sounds
- No jugular venous distention, murmurs, rubs, or gallops
- Several enlarged, non-tender cervical and axillary lymph nodes bilaterally
- No rashes
- Non-focal neurologic examination
- Palpable peripheral pulses
- Mild bilateral pitting pedal edema
- Electrocardiogram
- Blood tests
- X-ray and CT-scan of the chest
- Biopsy of the kidney
- EKG: sinus tachycardia
- Creatinine of 1.6
- Proteinuria >300
- Hematuria: 50-100 red blood cells per high-power field
- Anemia: hemoglobin of 8.1, hematocrit of 25.4%
- Mean corpuscular volume 77
- Iron levels <10
- Total iron binding capacity 197
- Ferritin level 68
- D-dimer positive at 4.73
- ESR elevated at 50
- Chest x-ray: right-sided pleural effusion + patchy linear opacity at base of left lung – consistent with scar tissue
- Chest CT scan: bilateral small pleural effusions (greater on the right than the left)
o significantly enlarged axillary
o subpectoral lymph nodes bilaterally
o small pericardial effusion
- Positive result for ANA 1:640, positive antibodies against ds-DNA
- IgG titer of 300
- Anti-Smith finding
- Decreased complement level: C3 levels 46.2, C4 levels 5.3
- Positive Coombs test
- Hypoalbuminemia at 3.1
- Negative lupus anticoagulant antibody finding
- Biopsy: diffuse proliferative lupus nephritis class IV - moderate activity and no chronicity
o Moderate interstitial inflammation
- Autoimmune disease:
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- IgA nephropathy
- Oral corticosteroids
- Mycophenolate mofetil
- Need for renal, rheumatological, and primary care follow-up
- Incurable disease