Watch the video & take notes on a sheet of paper
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When you have finished, try to answer to the questions below and then :
- Prove what you understood by reading the transcription which is under the screen
- Prepare a synthesis and are ready to exchange your point of view with a binomial
- Search the meaning of words that you do not know in a dictionary (online for example), raise these words in a book to be able to review them easily
- Practice the pronunciation of all medical terms with an online sound dictionary
Preeta K. Kutty. Measles: What You Might Not Know – Medscape – Apr 25, 2011.
- What is the objective of this presentation?
- When was the measles vaccine introduced in the US?
- Facts & Figures before the introduction of the measles vaccine in the US:
- Facts & Figures after the introduction of the measles vaccine in the US:
- Consequence of the 2000 declaration that transmission of measles was eradicated in the US:
- Consequence of measles not being eradicated in other parts of the world:
- Signs & symptoms of measles:
- When should measles be considered?
- What should be done when a measles case is suspected?
- Can measles be prevented?
- What are the recommendations?
- Take home message: