Watch the video & take notes on a sheet of paper
Once you have registered on Medscape, reach the page
When you have finished, try to answer to the questions below and then :
- Prove what you understood by reading the transcription which is under the screen
- Prepare a synthesis and are ready to exchange your point of view with a binomial
- Search the meaning of words that you do not know in a dictionary (online for example), raise these words in a book to be able to review them easily
- Practice the pronunciation of all medical terms with an online sound dictionary
Gail Bolan, MD. Screening for Sexually Transmitted Disease: Who, When, and How – Medscape – Jan 09, 2012.
- Incidence & distribution of STD in the US:
- Contributing factors:
- Target population of the recommendations given & target infections:
- First step:
- How to best achieve step 1:
- Additional questions:
- How often to screen:
- Sites which should be screened:
- Recommended test:
- Treatment regimens:
Extrait de Hear That? Compréhension de l’oral et prise de notes : cours, conférences, congrès
Félicie Pastore ELLIPSES 2013 ISBN 9782729882457