Watch the video & take notes on a sheet of paper
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When you have finished, try to answer to the questions below and then :
- Prove what you understood by reading the transcription which is under the screen
- Prepare a synthesis and are ready to exchange your point of view with a binomial
- Search the meaning of words that you do not know in a dictionary (online for example), raise these words in a book to be able to review them easily
- Practice the pronunciation of all medical terms with an online sound dictionary
Nicole J. Cohen, Denise J. Jamieson. Special Health Needs of Pregnant Women Planning Travel Abroad – Medscape – Aug 15, 2011.
- What can a pregnant traveller expect to experience?
- What would Dr Jamieson encourage her to carry?
- What are pregnant women at increased risk of & what precautions should they take?
- Precautions when travelling by car:
- Hepatitis E
– In “ordinary” travellers
– In pregnant travellers - Water:
– Possible consequences on pregnant travelers:
– Preferred method of water purification for pregnant women:
– Management of traveller’s diarrhoea in a pregnant woman:
– Contra-indicated medications: - Travels to developing countries:
– When?
– Emergency care:
– Insurance policies:
– CDC ‘s Yellow Book: - Vaccines:
- Malaria:
- Mosquito avoidance:
- Take home message:
Extrait de Hear That? Compréhension de l’oral et prise de notes : cours, conférences, congrès
Félicie Pastore ELLIPSES 2013 ISBN 9782729882457